Project Description

Revenue Generation

Industry – Technology


OPEX Reduction


Forecasted Revenue

Our client provides mission critical SaaS hosting and support to a wide range of clients including a number of ASX 100 companies. All hosting is provided in line with the highest level of accreditation for hosting providers – ASAE3402


  • A “rules engine” approach where a master control file is used to quickly add new clients or change configurations of existing clients

  • Secure, encrypted credential management to hold and manage all system passwords

  • End-user training and ongoing support plan

  • Improved audit reporting with PDF generation for external audit submission + real time data feeds to Microsoft BI environments

  • Fully redundant production environment with failover and automated backups


  • Reduce the OPEX associated with monitoring and managing services

  • Increase the quality of service provided by increasing the frequency and accuracy of tests

  • Growing revenue by creating new service offerings enabled by the hugely reduced cost of automated delivery


  • 90% FTE Reduction

  • $390k AUD Opex reduction over 3 years

  • $200k AUD Net New Annual Forecast

taxation planning

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